
Greetings from Portage, Wisconsin! A very important event happened during the craziness of Take a Bow's release: my dad turned 75! While his birthday is technically April 13th, he postponed his birthday party because one of his children couldn't make it. (That would be me, but I had a blast in Texas...just ask Peeta!)

I flew directly from Houston to Wisconsin just in time to make it to my dad's birthday party.

Since I was in town, my old high school asked me to come and speak. At first I was a little nervous, going back to high school? Yikes! But then I realized that the high school is in a different building than back when I went, so it almost didn't feel like my high school. One of the first things I saw upon my arrival were all these adorable flyers promoting my visit:

Then I arrived in the library (now called the iCenter). My mom was my high school librarian and retired five years ago. She accompanied me today and it meant a lot for me to share this with her. I did notice that the library had a certain yearbook on display and it was opened to my senior high school photo. And since I have no problem embarrassing myself, please enjoy a seventeen year old Elizabeth:

I HAD A BLAST! I first did a writing workshop for about twenty students first, and one of them was already published -- impressive! Then I moved to the auditorium to give a larger talk. The students ROCKED. They were so supportive and kept applauding me AND my mom. Seriously, anytime I mentioned my mom, they clapped for her. It was very, very sweet.

The students had such great questions as well. I got to meet with a bunch of them afterwards while I signed books. It's always great to talking with people who are so excited about reading and writing, especially ones from my hometown.  And I got a little teary when I went by the PHS Hall of Fame as both my dad and grandfather have been inducted.

I'm very proud to be from Portage. So it seems that you can go home again.

I want to thank everybody who came out in Texas and here in Wisconsin. I've been blown away by the response to Take a Bow - it really means the world to me. After my Portage Public Library event this evening, my mom and I are off to Chicago for an event tomorrow at Anderson's in Naperville, then I'm home for a week, before heading off to Boston, Atlanta, and Nashville. Looking forward to even more adventures on the road, hopefully will less embarrassing photos.

XO, Elizabeth

