Hello all! In honor of the paperback release of Getting Over Garrett Delaney, the fabulous Abby McDonald has shared her #GettingOver playlist. As someone who counts K. Clark's "Since U Been Gone" as her go-to-jam, I love a good break-up song (see my list over on Abby's blog). Take it away, Abby!

A great playlist isn't just a collection of songs, it's a journey. And when you're trying to get over somebody, that journey can take you from where you are -- sad, wallowing, sprawled on the sofa cramming chips into your gaping mouth while watching Food Network (or is that just me?) -- to where you so desperately want to be: happy, functional, free. And awesome, obviously. So, cue up the right songs, settle in, and prepare to kick your crush for good!
#GettingOver playlist.
Part One: the wallow.
1. 14th Street by Laura Cantrell. -- a sweet ode to unrequited crushing, Laura meets her object of desire on the street, and pines. Simple, but oh, we've all been there: "You've got nothing to lose/ but I'm losing sleep."
2. Jessie's Girl by Rick Springfield. -- Yes, the cheesy classic in all it's unrequited glory. Perfect for bouncing around, yelling out, "I wish that I had JESSIE'S GIRL".
3. You Belong with Me by Taylor Swift. -- We've all been there, lord knows I have. Your crush is going out with someone else, when the perfect person is right in front of him all this time! She doesn't get him, and you're the one who winds up offering advice and support. THE WORST.
Part Two: the fight back.
5. Bye Bye Bye by N*SYNC. Yes, I went there. Why? Because of awesome, that's why! (It aint' no lie). Stamp the floor and pump your arms with this boyband classic.
6. Survivor by Destiny's Child. Because you are.
7. Gunpowder and Lead by Miranda Lambert/ Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood.Nobody does breakup empowerment like country music, and this is a double hit of lyin'. cheatin'. no good payback. Because revenge fantasies are totally healthy!
Part Three: Moving on songs.
8. Hold On When You Get Love by Stars. A lovely, hopeful, sweet reminder of the fact it's always worth trying.
9. Begin Again by Taylor Swift."I've been spending the last eight months/ thinking all love does is break/ and burn/ and end/ but on a Wednesday/ in a cafe/ I watch it begin again."
Thanks Abby!
GIVEAWAY TIME! And now you get a chance to win your very own paperback copy of Getting Over Garrett Delaney! All you have to do is comment with your favorite #GettingOver song! I'll pick one person from random at 8:00 p.m. EST on Sunday, January 6th. US only. (And please note, I do have to approve comments of new people, so it may take a couple hours for it to show up.)
Good luck! XO, Elizabeth
UPDATE: The contest is closed, thanks to all who entered and congratulations to Anastasia!